Academia Partnership | Your Way to Opportunity
Empower your business’ Digital Transformation Journey
Bringing industry closer to your institution!
With Dicecamp, students at your academic institute can grab the earlybird opportunities in the hi-tech Industry. with our cohesive industry-academia plan.
Enhance your academic efforts with industry professionals who join you in devising methods to inculcate Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) in the rapidly evolving hi-tech industry. This translates to organizing free workshops, hi-tech skills training programs, challenging contests, FYP assistance, R&D, project collaboration with Dicecamp, and job placements within industry.
- Gain industry outlook
- Free Workshops
- Expert FYP Assistance
- Value Driven Internships
- Job Placements
- Access Research Grants
We work closely with Academia
Meet Our Partners from Academia
Dicecamp brings industry closer to academia!
Our digital platform brings an ideal system that connects academia with the hi-tech industry.
Academia and industry is a glorious duo. When they combine together, each sector provides the necessary value for survival. When academia is cut off from industry, the quality of higher education is adversely affected. There’s a lack of certainty in Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) making teachers and students ostensibly confused.
The spiral we face today in academia is the result of; limited value-adding internships, lack of confidence to work on impactful FYPs, and curtailed research grants.
Industry suffers too. There arise two challenges in the industrial ecosystem. First is making from-scratch efforts to train and build an ideal workforce. Second, staying far from academic research and development (R&D), industry lags in the innovative solutions in a rapidly evolving landscape.
To cover the gap between future visionaries and the technology industry, Dicecamp is keen to implement a cohesive plan. It enables a reciprocal benefit between academia and the high tech industry by improving quality in higher education, making industry competitive as a result.
Dicecamp enables this by bringing industry professionals to sit with academicians, offering a future outlook of industry; what training needs its students require and how to build an enabling system for skill building making them ready for future job roles.
Research and Development (R&D) is an integral part of the plan. We connect our industry professionals with academia resources of R&D to initiate value-driven and innovative research initiatives aiming to convert ideas into products.

Benefits of Partnership
Our academic partners can access to immense value creating benefits of:
- Find FYP groundbreaking ideas, and assistance
- Locate internships with booster learning environment
- Invite professional leaders to your academic programs
- Collaborate in innovation-driven R&D
- Attract research grants
- Plan exciting industrial trips
- Organize opportunity leading job fairs
- Seek early bird job placements
- Organize free workshops/seminars, and training sessions on hi-tech skills
- Invite professional mentors for career counseling and development

Our University Events
- Dice Analytics takes to NASCON’ 22 at FAST NUCES Islamabad
- Dice Analytics organizes UBL AI Summit 2022
- Ibadat Intl. University signs an MOU with Dice Analytics
- FAST NUCES Karachi signs an MOU with Dice Analytics
- Forman Christain College collaborates with Dice Analytics
- NUST CEME ratifies collaboration with Dice Analytics
- FAST NUCES Peshawar partners with with Dice Analytics

What they Say
Hear directly from our Past Seekers who are Tech Professionals Now!

Our Traction
Dicecamp’s success stats show that; it thrives 60,000+ community members, 7,518 people are trained and pre-vetted before placing at jobs, and 137 businesses are helped in five years.
Up Skilling Process
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