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18 Jobs Found
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AI/ML Specialist (3rd Gen AI Capabilities)

job Summary:We are seeking a talented AI/ML Specialist with expertise in third-g...

Full Time


Part-time Mobile Game Development Trainer (iOS and Android Natives)

 Position: Part-time Mobile Game Development Trainer (iOS and Android Natives)...

Part Time


Part-time Java with Angular or React Trainer

   Position: Part-time Java with Angular or React Trainer   ...

Part Time


Part-time C# with .NET Framework Trainer

  Position: Part-time C# with .NET Framework Trainer      &n...

Part Time


Part-time Python and Angular or React Trainer

 Position: Part-time Python and Angular or React Trainer     ...

Part Time


Part-time JavaScript Full-Stack Trainer (MEAN or MERN)

Job DescriptionPosition: Part-time JavaScript Full-Stack  Trainer (MEAN or ...

Part Time

Developers Hub (Pvt.) Ltd

Full Stack (WordPress Developer)

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Full Stack WordPress Develo...

Full Time

Dynasoft Cloud

Software Engineer (Integration Developer)

Job Overview:We are hiring for a Software Engineer (Integration Developer)- Bach...

Full Time


Junior Python Developer

We're seeking a talented and eager Junior Python Developer to join our growing ...

Full Time