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Mobile App Development using React Native

Gain career-boosting skills in mobile development with React Native.
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Getting intellectuals ready to become React Native developers!
An Industry-Expert Led Live Training

During this interactive training on Zoom, you will learn how to create real-world apps using React Native, and prototype & deploy your own applications to the Apple and Google Play Stores.
At the end of the training you will have an in-depth understanding & hands-on related to app development using React Native.
Key Takeaways of this training:
  • Create real-world apps using React Native
  • Make truly reusable components that look great
  • Prototype and deploy your own applications to the Apple and Google Play Stores
  • Get up to speed with React design principles and methodologies
  • Discover mobile design patterns used by experienced engineers

  • Understanding of React Native concepts: Gain a deep understanding of fundamental concepts such as React Native architecture, components, and APIs.
  • App development fundamentals: Learn to build mobile apps using React Native, including topics such as UI design, data storage, and navigation.
  • Hands-on experience: Gain practical experience in mobile app development through real-world projects and assignments.
  • Integration with backend services: Learn to integrate React Native apps with backend services such as Firebase, AWS Amplify, and GraphQL.
  • App deployment: Learn to deploy React Native apps to the App Store and Google Play Store, including topics such as app signing and release management.

  • Graduate or Masters Students with IT, CS or SE background who want to start their career in the App Development domain
  • People who are working in the App Development domain and want to advance their career in React Native
  • Executive who want to build an App Development department in their start-ups/organizations

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Which Tools and Skills will You Learn in the Program?

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Mobile App Development using React Native Syllabus

Curriculum Designed by Experts


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