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for testing Organizing a forum for data freaks to join in and explore the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other in-demand subjects of Data Science! Today, one of the most exciting careers in data analytics field are of Data Scientists who help in driving value across all the industries. Join our free session on Data Science and learn about this booming field and the right skills and experience which can help you define a path to your career! Banner | – Explore of Data Science and its subjects – Applications of Data Science including Machine Learning, Deep Learning – Solve case studies on how Data Science techniques helped companies boom – Know that how to engineer a freelance career in Data Science – Get free advice in Career from Data Scientists – Network with top-notch Data scientists from Industry – Explore your abilities and decide where you fit inOrganizing a forum for data freaks to join in and explore the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other in-demand subjects of Data Science! Today, one of the most exciting careers in data analytics field are of Data Scientists who help in driving value across all the industries. Join our free session on Data Science and learn about this booming field and the right skills and experience which can help you define a path to your career! Banner | – Explore of Data Science and its subjects – Applications of Data Science including Machine Learning, Deep Learning – Solve case studies on how Data Science techniques helped companies boom – Know that how to engineer a freelance career in Data Science – Get free advice in Career from Data Scientists – Network with top-notch Data scientists from Industry – Explore your abilities and decide where you fit inOrganizing a forum for data freaks to join in and explore the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other in-demand subjects of Data Science! Today, one of the most exciting careers in data analytics field are of Data Scientists who help in driving value across all the industries. Join our free session on Data Science and learn about this booming field and the right skills and experience which can help you define a path to your career! Banner | –
Artificial Neural Network Tensorflow NeuLab FFnet

Sep 12, 2020
14:15 pm
23 Hours 55 Minutes
Hybrid ,Jabal os Saraj

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