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How to Be (legit) Creative in a World of Surreal Innovation

Every individual carries their own treasure of creativity. Unleash the creative inside you with these incredibly powerful yet simple tips.

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Image by Pixabay/Pexels

Creativity showcases our supremacy as intelligent beings. It’s an incredible way of demonstrating the strength we carry to transform the seemingly surreal ideas into reality.

Your creative ability helps you make better decisions, create quality solutions, and epitomize new standards in any area. As young minds, it’s pertinent to learn how to tap into your creative treasure so that you can ramp up your career growth and edge the competition. 

This article presents six simple and easy tips that can help you boost your creativity and nurture your natural ability to craft creative thoughts. By the end of this article, you’ll be enlightened on using these tips to find more awesome ways of presenting to your customers.  

1. Feel in your own way.

find your unique perspective to become creative
Embrace your own way of feeling things/Image by Joao Jesus/Pexels

There’s only one YOU in this world. And so feeling in your own way is the ultimate way to use your creativity anywhere.  

When marketers proverbially say; ‘put yourself in your customer’s shoe’, they mean the same thing. What would you feel as a customer who came across your product? And that’s where you’ll spot the problems and improvements that would later transform into ideal solutions.

It’s only that you feel things your way, you craft something tremendously relevant and unique that captivates everyone.

2. Get all your Sleep (without judging).

get a good night sleep to boost creativity
Sleep until the pain of getting out of bed resists/Photo by Acharaporn/Pexels

Take your sleep the way your body needs it, no matter how long or short. This is important in the context of ‘mental recovery’ where only a well rested body reaches to the zenith of creativity, faster.

A research study, dedicated to studying an entrepreneur’s daily idea generation in the context of sleep, finds that ‘recovery’ directly impacts a person’s ability to think creatively. As informative as it sounds, the result proved that a good ‘sleep efficiency’ made the entrepreneur have a more creative approach in the subsequent day.

Moreover, the study highlights another important point within the context of recovery during sleep. The entrepreneur’s creativity greatly depends on the ‘person’s internal stability’ (where the research found that these within-person traits affected creativity with a proportion of 77%), while the ‘personality traits’ are less impactful on generating creative ideas (where the research found that these ‘between-person’ traits affected creativity with a comparatively smaller value of 23%). 

In simple terms, what it means is that; taking care of what’s within a person is more important than what’s in competition with others. And that’s only possible with a good night’s sleep.

One way to sleep early and truly recharge during that time is through mindfulness. When in bed, put your random thoughts to the side and repeat in your mind to relax. Don’t lose awareness of the moment as it’ll make you up for hours before you know. Being mindful will help you stay away from all the consuming thoughts that make you stay longer.

3. Practice Imagination.

practice imagination to boost creativity
A strong imagination translates to clear words on a paper/Image by Jakub Novacek/Pexels

While this might sound somewhat unrealistic, practicing imagination can actually take your creativity to the ultimate level. How, you asked? Oftentimes, we are unable to come up with a stance because we lose track of our thinking in the mind. While, in the other, a laser focus on how our mind portrays a situation helps bring those images into words. Imagination means your ability to clearly think about what your brain perceives as a solution.

There are plenty of working tips that can help your brain to learn and retain visuals. For example, silently observing things around you creates clear visuals in your mind; reading novels boosts your visual memory and recall; and focusing on the pattern of your thoughts are some of the ways that help you make a clear picture of your thinking. 

Read Five Fantastic Memory Boosting Tips from a renowned brain expert in our dedicated guide.  

4. Catch up on the very first thoughts that come to your mind.

to boost creativity note the first questions that come to mind
The very first thoughts are produced by your brain without any explicit rationality/Image by Steve Jhonson/Pexels

Don’t ignore the very first thoughts that come to your mind. When you are to think creatively, and a problem is present in front of you, take note of the very first thoughts that come to your mind. As you follow through studying the problem further, your brain will silently produce a bunch of more questions that you should note as well. Start with addressing these questions.

Why does it matter?

When your brain encounters something for the first time, it naturally reacts to it. And as an individual of a unique taste, seeking your natural way of approaching a problem could be the ideal way of tapping your creativity.

We often ignore the very first thoughts in the rush to think about the perceived quality or standards the solution actually requires. However innovation is not something you consciously force out of yourself, it’s rather a random thing that’ll appear in its natural way.

to boost creativity, note the question that your brain asks silently while you are thinking of a solution

5. Reflect on your Work Goals.

reflection on work goals and taking time to improve things helps improve creativity of work
Don’t forget about certain perspectives that are can bring a creative touch to your work/Image by Chinmay Singh/Pexels

Once you’ve commenced your work and it has started to develop some form, think about the ‘ideal shape’ of work you want to put up. This makes way for creative improvements in your work that’ll earn you greater appreciation, higher self-esteem and professional integrity.

Because oftentimes, it becomes inevitable for professionals to get stuck in the routine operations, while acing the ultimate goals of the work gets overlooked. For example, a data engineer who’s job is to organize business data in an efficient manner (through a Logical Data Model- LDM), wants to create an ideal database that could provide literally any data which marketing analysts require. 

The engineer starts to analyze present data on sales but realizes a need for an interesting addition in the database that would address a wide range of closely related business questions. A data entry of ‘person id’ would be used to calculate the frequency of a customer repeating a purchase from a company. 

What it means is that creativity is needed when you want to achieve the ideal goals from your work. Take time, think about how you want to accomplish your work. And if your work is not according to a set quality criteria of yours, then spend more time on it and find creative solutions to build your ideal project..

6. Take frequent breaks.

taking frequent breaks helps boost creativity
A cup of tea, or some fresh air every 30 mins is an ideal activity for your brain’s optimal functioning/Image by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

While it’s inevitable to sit on your chair and continue frustratingly producing the intended creativity, that’s exactly what you should not be doing. Get up from your place and seek a different environment that allows your brain to come back to its natural state. 

Glance outside the window, for example, and let your brain have a break for a while. Taking frequent breaks allows your brain to recharge to its optimal state that might have been inundated as a result of taking pressure from work.

A research study actually suggests a similar finding where taking a leisure break improves creativity. As per the research (also discussed in point 2), the entrepreneurs who, after work, spent their leisure time reflecting on their work, performed more creatively than those who didn’t.

Wrap up: You can boost your creativity through…

six easy ways to naturally boost your creativity
Creativity comes to you naturally/Image by Pixabay/Pixels
  • While in a reckoning session, put your focus on the point. Your effortful focus on the problem statement brings clarity in your imaginative thinking, and helps you feel different aspects of work in your own way. It also helps you catch the very first thoughts that naturally surface in  your brain, making way for your own creative perspective.
  • While you start to build your intended creativity, don’t get fully stuck in your routine procedures. This might be in the form of hasty project submissions, and overlooking quality aspects of your work. Instead, reflect on your work goals, take time and deliver your work under realistic deadlines.
  • Finally, all of the above is only possible if you have a well rested mind. Sleep on until your body and mind feel the day’s load off. It’s equally important to take frequent breaks, during the day, when you’re crafting your creative project. Don’t just keep sitting and suffer work pressure. It’s only with a relaxed mind, that creativity comes naturally to you. 

Sharing is having more!

Let us and our readers know of your own amazing ways of crafting creative thoughts. We can learn from your practical insight that’ll help us along our journey and create an endless ripple of sharing. Comments section is just below.

I engineer the content and acquaint the science of analytics to empower rookies and professionals.


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How to Be (legit) Creative in a World of Surreal Innovation

Every individual carries their own treasure of creativity. Unleash the creative inside you with these incredibly powerful yet simple tips.

Image by Pixabay/Pexels

Creativity showcases our supremacy as intelligent beings. It’s an incredible way of demonstrating the strength we carry to transform the seemingly surreal ideas into reality.

Your creative ability helps you make better decisions, create quality solutions, and epitomize new standards in any area. As young minds, it’s pertinent to learn how to tap into your creative treasure so that you can ramp up your career growth and edge the competition. 

This article presents six simple and easy tips that can help you boost your creativity and nurture your natural ability to craft creative thoughts. By the end of this article, you’ll be enlightened on using these tips to find more awesome ways of presenting to your customers.  

1. Feel in your own way.

find your unique perspective to become creative
Embrace your own way of feeling things/Image by Joao Jesus/Pexels

There’s only one YOU in this world. And so feeling in your own way is the ultimate way to use your creativity anywhere.  

When marketers proverbially say; ‘put yourself in your customer’s shoe’, they mean the same thing. What would you feel as a customer who came across your product? And that’s where you’ll spot the problems and improvements that would later transform into ideal solutions.

It’s only that you feel things your way, you craft something tremendously relevant and unique that captivates everyone.

2. Get all your Sleep (without judging).

get a good night sleep to boost creativity
Sleep until the pain of getting out of bed resists/Photo by Acharaporn/Pexels

Take your sleep the way your body needs it, no matter how long or short. This is important in the context of ‘mental recovery’ where only a well rested body reaches to the zenith of creativity, faster.

A research study, dedicated to studying an entrepreneur’s daily idea generation in the context of sleep, finds that ‘recovery’ directly impacts a person’s ability to think creatively. As informative as it sounds, the result proved that a good ‘sleep efficiency’ made the entrepreneur have a more creative approach in the subsequent day.

Moreover, the study highlights another important point within the context of recovery during sleep. The entrepreneur’s creativity greatly depends on the ‘person’s internal stability’ (where the research found that these within-person traits affected creativity with a proportion of 77%), while the ‘personality traits’ are less impactful on generating creative ideas (where the research found that these ‘between-person’ traits affected creativity with a comparatively smaller value of 23%). 

In simple terms, what it means is that; taking care of what’s within a person is more important than what’s in competition with others. And that’s only possible with a good night’s sleep.

One way to sleep early and truly recharge during that time is through mindfulness. When in bed, put your random thoughts to the side and repeat in your mind to relax. Don’t lose awareness of the moment as it’ll make you up for hours before you know. Being mindful will help you stay away from all the consuming thoughts that make you stay longer.

3. Practice Imagination.

practice imagination to boost creativity
A strong imagination translates to clear words on a paper/Image by Jakub Novacek/Pexels

While this might sound somewhat unrealistic, practicing imagination can actually take your creativity to the ultimate level. How, you asked? Oftentimes, we are unable to come up with a stance because we lose track of our thinking in the mind. While, in the other, a laser focus on how our mind portrays a situation helps bring those images into words. Imagination means your ability to clearly think about what your brain perceives as a solution.

There are plenty of working tips that can help your brain to learn and retain visuals. For example, silently observing things around you creates clear visuals in your mind; reading novels boosts your visual memory and recall; and focusing on the pattern of your thoughts are some of the ways that help you make a clear picture of your thinking. 

Read Five Fantastic Memory Boosting Tips from a renowned brain expert in our dedicated guide.  

4. Catch up on the very first thoughts that come to your mind.

to boost creativity note the first questions that come to mind
The very first thoughts are produced by your brain without any explicit rationality/Image by Steve Jhonson/Pexels

Don’t ignore the very first thoughts that come to your mind. When you are to think creatively, and a problem is present in front of you, take note of the very first thoughts that come to your mind. As you follow through studying the problem further, your brain will silently produce a bunch of more questions that you should note as well. Start with addressing these questions.

Why does it matter?

When your brain encounters something for the first time, it naturally reacts to it. And as an individual of a unique taste, seeking your natural way of approaching a problem could be the ideal way of tapping your creativity.

We often ignore the very first thoughts in the rush to think about the perceived quality or standards the solution actually requires. However innovation is not something you consciously force out of yourself, it’s rather a random thing that’ll appear in its natural way.

to boost creativity, note the question that your brain asks silently while you are thinking of a solution

5. Reflect on your Work Goals.

reflection on work goals and taking time to improve things helps improve creativity of work
Don’t forget about certain perspectives that are can bring a creative touch to your work/Image by Chinmay Singh/Pexels

Once you’ve commenced your work and it has started to develop some form, think about the ‘ideal shape’ of work you want to put up. This makes way for creative improvements in your work that’ll earn you greater appreciation, higher self-esteem and professional integrity.

Because oftentimes, it becomes inevitable for professionals to get stuck in the routine operations, while acing the ultimate goals of the work gets overlooked. For example, a data engineer who’s job is to organize business data in an efficient manner (through a Logical Data Model- LDM), wants to create an ideal database that could provide literally any data which marketing analysts require. 

The engineer starts to analyze present data on sales but realizes a need for an interesting addition in the database that would address a wide range of closely related business questions. A data entry of ‘person id’ would be used to calculate the frequency of a customer repeating a purchase from a company. 

What it means is that creativity is needed when you want to achieve the ideal goals from your work. Take time, think about how you want to accomplish your work. And if your work is not according to a set quality criteria of yours, then spend more time on it and find creative solutions to build your ideal project..

6. Take frequent breaks.

taking frequent breaks helps boost creativity
A cup of tea, or some fresh air every 30 mins is an ideal activity for your brain’s optimal functioning/Image by Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels

While it’s inevitable to sit on your chair and continue frustratingly producing the intended creativity, that’s exactly what you should not be doing. Get up from your place and seek a different environment that allows your brain to come back to its natural state. 

Glance outside the window, for example, and let your brain have a break for a while. Taking frequent breaks allows your brain to recharge to its optimal state that might have been inundated as a result of taking pressure from work.

A research study actually suggests a similar finding where taking a leisure break improves creativity. As per the research (also discussed in point 2), the entrepreneurs who, after work, spent their leisure time reflecting on their work, performed more creatively than those who didn’t.

Wrap up: You can boost your creativity through…

six easy ways to naturally boost your creativity
Creativity comes to you naturally/Image by Pixabay/Pixels
  • While in a reckoning session, put your focus on the point. Your effortful focus on the problem statement brings clarity in your imaginative thinking, and helps you feel different aspects of work in your own way. It also helps you catch the very first thoughts that naturally surface in  your brain, making way for your own creative perspective.
  • While you start to build your intended creativity, don’t get fully stuck in your routine procedures. This might be in the form of hasty project submissions, and overlooking quality aspects of your work. Instead, reflect on your work goals, take time and deliver your work under realistic deadlines.
  • Finally, all of the above is only possible if you have a well rested mind. Sleep on until your body and mind feel the day’s load off. It’s equally important to take frequent breaks, during the day, when you’re crafting your creative project. Don’t just keep sitting and suffer work pressure. It’s only with a relaxed mind, that creativity comes naturally to you. 

Sharing is having more!

Let us and our readers know of your own amazing ways of crafting creative thoughts. We can learn from your practical insight that’ll help us along our journey and create an endless ripple of sharing. Comments section is just below.

I engineer the content and acquaint the science of analytics to empower rookies and professionals.


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